capitol hill
Two things we learned from Senate hearings about Build Back Better and the Fed's approach to climate change
Will Biden's climate plan survive the budget wonks?
President Biden is steering his signature climate policy into the Bermuda Triangle of Capitol Hill: the Congressional Budget Office. No stranger to criticism, the CBO has sparked a particularly fierce debate among budget wonks with its climate analysis.
Despite Capitol Hill enthusiasm for planting crops to store carbon, few farmers are doing it, report finds
The Biden administration and a growing coalition of lawmakers have promoted the planting of carbon-trapping crops as a key strategy in the fight to control climate-warming emissions.
Biden promises 'historic' $2tn spending in infrastructure – but Capitol Hill fight awaits
Both Democrats and Republicans - as well as a majority of Americans - share a desire to fix the nation's aging roads, bridges and other critical infrastructure. Yet there are sharp disagreements over the details.
Energy and climate move closer to center stage on Capitol Hill
The imminent enactment of Democrats' $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package creates space for lawmakers and the White House to craft infrastructure plans with big climate and energy-related provisions.
Covering your climate: Emerald Corridor tries flipping the switch on CO2
The latest entry in our ongoing “Covering Your Climate: The Emerald Corridor" special report looks at what the Pacific Northwest is doing to mitigate climate change.
Bipartisan climate bill could cut pollution 38% by 2030
A bill in Congress could slash American greenhouse-gas emissions. It's even bipartisan - if you squint.