Photo by Shashank Hegde on Unsplash
Mono Lake: Will state stop diverting its water to L.A.?
Environmentalists say it's past time for California to halt Los Angeles' diversion of Mono Lake's tributaries. L.A. says it needs the water.
Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash
To cope with climate change, California tries new crops
The future of farming in California is changing as the planet warms, prompting some to grow varieties resistant to heat or drought.
California poised to ban new diesel trucks
Trucking companies say the deadlines for zero-emission trucks are unachievable and will cause “chaos and dysfunction” of California’s economy.
Floods may taint more water in California farm towns
Nitrate contamination of well water has been a decades-long problem in the San Joaquin and Salinas valleys — and now stormwater has flushed more fertilizer and manure into aquifers.
Photo by Oxana Melis on Unsplash
Ray LaHood: Lack of federal support stalling high-speed rail projects
Between 1949 and 2017, the federal government invested only $10 billion in high-speed rail with $4 billion of that dedicated to the California project, compared to investments of $777 billion in aviation and over $2 trillion in highways. The federal government can’t expect transformative results with piecemeal funding. We must go big.
Will California’s shift to electric vehicles work?
California enacted a historic mandate to replace gasoline cars with electric vehicles within 12 years. But can the state meet its deadline?
Dan Walters: What California can learn from wave of storms
The series of snow and rain storms buffeting California this month contains lessons for politicians, if they pay attention.