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How Big Oil relies on some PR firms to block climate action

How Big Oil relies on some PR firms to block climate action

A new peer-reviewed paper by Brown University researchers found that the fossil fuel industry has relied heavily on PR firms for more than three decades.
sea ice algae climate
Photo by Tapio Haaja on Unsplash

Sea ice algae could shed light on past and future climate

A previously problematic molecule turns out to be a reliable proxy for reconstructing sea ice, a new study shows. The research could help understand human-induced climate change happening now.

Climate change will make California wildfires even worse

Climate change will make California wildfires even worse

Climate has been a major driver for wildfire severity in California's Sierra Nevada region, which also suggests that climate change will make things worse.
Silent Spills Part 1: In Houston and beyond, Harvey’s spills leave a toxic legacy

Silent Spills Part 1: In Houston and beyond, Harvey’s spills leave a toxic legacy

As first responders and residents struggled to save lives and property during the record-shattering deluge of Hurricane Harvey, the toxic onslaught from the nation's petrochemical hub was largely overshadowed.