brain eating amoeba

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Brain-eating amoeba-linked death highlights new climate risk

The death of a Nevada boy who contracted brain-eating amoeba after swimming in Lake Mead this fall is highlighting how climate change can fuel the spread of the usually rare infection.

rising water temperatures brain-eating amoeba

How the climate crisis is fueling the spread of a brain-eating amoeba

Naegleria fowleri grows in warm fresh water, making it well-suited to proliferate as temperatures rise in the US.

amoeba climate impacts

Brain-eating amoeba moving north across America, and climate change may be why

The brain-eating amoeba Naegleria fowleri is moving further into the U.S., with a "statistically significant northward trend" observed since 2010, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says.

Brain-eating amoeba found in Lake Jackson TX water supply

Brain-eating amoeba found in Lake Jackson TX water supply

DO NOT USE! That's the warning from state environmental authorities for water customers in Lake Jackson.