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plastic PVC pipes
A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
charleston susan crawford climate justice
Photo by David Martin on Unsplash

Book Review: ‘Charleston,’ by Susan Crawford

In “Charleston,” a case study of climate change and government negligence in the South Carolina city, Susan Crawford makes clear the disproportionate costs borne by communities of color in the coastal United States.
optimism to work toward a better world
Michael Brace/Flickr

Do you have to be an optimist to work toward a better world?

For professionals in fields such as suicide prevention and climate science, the future can seem bleak. But sometimes action is the most effective form of optimism.
climate impacts book preservation

How climate change affects book preservation

As extreme weather events become more common, archivists and conservators are scrambling to protect their collections.
The climate novelist who transcends despair

The climate novelist who transcends despair

Lydia Millet believes the natural world can help us become more human.
God and horses at the pre-apocalypse

God and horses at the pre-apocalypse

The reality of climate change is upon us, but there’s reason for hope.
Book review: When thousands of hogs are your neighbors

Book review: When thousands of hogs are your neighbors

In “Wastelands,” Corban Addison tells the extraordinary story of how some North Carolina residents stood up to a meatpacking company polluting their communities.
‘Atoms and Ashes,’ a frightening tour of six nuclear accidents

‘Atoms and Ashes,’ a frightening tour of six nuclear accidents

Serhii Plokhy writes about Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and other disasters, and about the common impulse among governments “to hide information and, later, to spin or distort it.”