Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash
How a billionaire’s plot to escape climate change fuels ‘Yours for the Taking’
Gabrielle Korn’s dystopian novel explores so-called ‘empowerment’ in a deteriorating world. But, she stresses, it’s funny, too.
Our Fragile Earth: How close are we to climate catastrophe?
Lessons from past eras when Earth was a hothouse or a snowball tell us whether we are doomed by climate change or still have time to prevent that fate.
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash
Is Sadiq Khan really taking air pollution seriously?
London is killing us. That’s the conclusion of Sadiq Khan’s alarming new book, Breathe: Tackling the Climate Emergency, which he publicised last night at a 90-minute event held in the Royal Festival Hall.
Image by Khairul islam from Pixabay
How to tackle climate change? A new book has answers
Climate change is no longer a mirage—something so far away that sceptics among us believe it was hallucinated into existence by the ‘woke’ crowd. Its impact is visible and tangible even for those living under a rock.
Photo by Chandler Cruttenden on Unsplash
Book review: "The Great Displacement" is a must-read
This timely, important book argues that mass migration triggered by climate change will fundamentally rock U.S. society.
Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash
Jeff Speck: Urban planner revisits ‘Walkable City,’ 10 years later
In an excerpt from the book’s new 10th anniversary edition, author and urban planner Jeff Speck looks at how the streets of US cities have changed.
Photo by Ross Stone on Unsplash
Lolita Brayman: learning from the ancients
In his latest book, Elderflora, Jared Farmer chronicles a history of exploration and study, destruction and preservation that will keep humans and age-old trees intertwined for the long haul.