The World Bank has announced the granting of a $350 million loan to Morocco. The financing will support the implementation of a blue economy development programme in the face of climate change, which is having a major impact on this North African kingdom.
Farming seaweed in Sri Lanka could be a viable and highly beneficial part of expanding the blue economy if initial challenges are overcome and coastal communities engaged with support, guidance, technology, and quality control, experts say.
A 2015 study exploring Michigan's “blue economy" forecast a prosperous future in which Michigan's enormous water resources would serve as the catalyst for thousands of high-paying new jobs as the state becomes the world's “freshwater innovation capital."
The group—including Norway, Canada, Japan, Australia, Ghana, and Fiji—makes up 40% of the world’s coastlines, controls 30% of the world’s oceans, and has pledged to implement strict goals by 2025 to achieve healthier oceans.