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Wind turbine blades could soon be recyclable
global plastic pollution treaty
Biden's top climate advisor visits China to push for stronger emission cuts
Trump and Vance make misleading claims about Harris's energy policies in swing states
uruguay water drought climate

Uruguay drought spurs water safety caution, as bottled water sales surge

Uruguay stands out for its history of investing in safe drinking water. But extreme weather has caught the country flat-footed as it faces the safety risks of prolonged drought. 
paris trees anne hidalgo climate
Photo by Joe deSousa on Unsplash

Paris city council adopts plan to plant trees that survive extreme heat

As part of a new urbanism plan for a “bio-climatic” city, officials hope to plant species that will be more resistant to heat.
california wildfires climate insurance
Big Stock Photo

California homebuyers face new obstacle as State Farm stops offering insurance

Californians looking to buy a house face some of the country’s most expensive real estate prices and wildfires that threaten scores of housing tracts. Now there’s another obstacle: finding an insurer willing to cover their dream home.
climate migration colombia el salvador
Big Stock Photo

Climate migration a top concern for mayors in Colombia, El Salvador

As climate change drives more displacement, many of the most vulnerable Latin American migrants are moving from one risky place to another. 
biourbanism climate cities urban planning
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Biourbanism: Why thinking of cities as nature is key to fighting climate change

Cities should be seen as living, dynamic systems that evolve with people alongside nature if we are to better design solutions to tackle the climate crisis, says one expert.
housing wildfires climate texas
Photo by Blake Wheeler on Unsplash

Housing need and wildfire risk collide in fast-growing Central Texas

Climate change and development are set to collide in the booming Austin-San Antonio megaregion as housing expands into fire-prone wildlands. 
climate war energy ukraine
Photo by Artem Zhukov on Unsplash

Ukraine green rebuilding focuses on clean energy, climate action

Ukrainian activists, scientists and architects are pushing for a postwar recovery unlike any in history, with a focus on climate resilience and clean energy.