bird migration

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A group of people march with science advocating for science.
Oil pump jacks and flares with vegetation in foreground.
Images of a chicken and a pig fade into images of piles of pharmaceutical capsules.
An African man and woman pour water on a trough of charcoal and move it around with a stick.
Salt Lake City confronts a future without a lake

Salt Lake City confronts a future without a lake

Utah’s Great Salt Lake is disappearing as a “megadrought” persists across the Southwest, forcing the fast-growing city nearby to curb its water use. 
climate impacts bird migration pittsburgh

Warmer springs caused by climate change are bringing migratory birds back to Pittsburgh early

Bird species like killdeer and blackbirds start to fly north through the Pittsburgh region beginning in February. But climate change is forcing their migrations earlier and earlier.

Rising Arctic temperatures means migrating north no longer worth it for many species, study finds

Rising Arctic temperatures means migrating north no longer worth it for many species, study finds

As temperatures rise in northern regions, migrating species are seeing less benefit from migrating north for the summer months, according to scientists who reviewed 25 recent studies.

biodiversity atlas climate

Atlas reveals birds pushed further north amid climate crisis

Europe's breeding bird populations have shifted on average one kilometre north every year for the past three decades, likely driven by the climate crisis, according to one of the world's largest citizen science projects on biodiversity.

How a Great Lakes wind farm may get beaten by birds

How a Great Lakes wind farm may get beaten by birds

The nation’s first freshwater wind farm is in limbo after Ohio regulators required more study of migrating birds.
Speaking of water: Michael Cohen on the Salton Sea

Speaking of water: Michael Cohen on the Salton Sea

In this episode of Speaking of Water, host Eileen Wray-McCann talks with Michael Cohen, a senior researcher at the Pacific Institute, about the Salton Sea.
Our seasons are out of whack, which is really bad for migratory birds

Our seasons are out of whack, which is really bad for migratory birds

In North America, spring is arriving earlier and earlier. But this shift isn't uniform across the continent. That unevenness, according to a new study, has unfortunate consequences for migratory birds.