biodiversity threats

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insects & pollinators in decline
Credit: Paul VanDerWerf/Flickr

The world may be losing its tiny pollinators

Insects are disappearing globally, and while data is difficult to parse, the loss threatens ecosystems and food production.

Manuela Saragosa reports for the Financial Times.

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seabed mining debate New Zealand
Credit: Steve Jurvetson/Flickr/Photo courtesy of The Metals Company

New Zealand’s treasured seabed faces threat as mining battles intensify

A new law fast-tracking mining approvals in New Zealand threatens to reignite a long-standing battle between the community and a mining company over the protection of the Taranaki seabed.

Eva Corlett reports for The Guardian.

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forest climate migration and adaptation

Helping trees migrate north might be essential for their survival

As climate change pushes species northward, trees are struggling to keep up, and some ecologists suggest human intervention might be the only way to save them.

Phoebe Weston reports for The Guardian.

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wildfire smoke bird impacts
Credit: Gary Robertson/Flickr

Birds fall silent as wildfire smoke clouds their world

Wildfire smoke not only endangers human health but also disrupts bird activity, according to a new study showing a significant decrease in bird sounds during smoky conditions.

Naveena Sadasivam reports for Grist.

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uk climate tree species
Credit: RdA Suisse/Flickr

London's Royal Botanical Gardens faces major tree loss due to climate change

Kew Gardens could lose over half of its tree species by 2090 due to climate change, a new study warns.

Helena Horton reports for The Guardian.

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extreme heat biodiversity threats
Credit: ucumari photography/Flickr

Wildlife struggles to survive amid rising global temperatures

As global heatwaves intensify, animals are increasingly unable to cope, leading to widespread deaths and altered behaviors.

Beatrice Christofaro reports for DW.

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Palm oil pollution
Credit: Photo by Ryan Woo/CIFOR-ICRAF/Flickr

Palm oil plantations increase flood risks and water contamination in Papua

The expansion of oil palm plantations in Indonesian Papua has led to increased flooding and water contamination, affecting Indigenous communities downstream.

Hans Nicholas Jong reports for Mongabay.

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