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Following the family tradition, Chris Darwin is leading the fight to protect animals from extinction.

Following the family tradition, Chris Darwin is leading the fight to protect animals from extinction.

Great, great grandson of Charles Darwin says we must change our diet to prevent more wildlife dying off.

Following the family tradition, Chris Darwin is leading the fight to protect animals from extinction

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Illinois' vanishing bugs and why it matters to Earth.
Chad Horwedel

Illinois' vanishing bugs and why it matters to Earth.

Endangered insects, a little-known part of the Endangered Species Act, prepare for life under Trump.

Christopher Borrelli

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Fighting for a foothold.

White abalone are both critically endangered and crucial to their coastal ecosystems, so scientists have launched a Hail Mary effort to save them.

SOLUTIONS | 09.19.17

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Save our bats, belugas and bobolinks.

According to the World Wildlife Fund Canada, 451 of 903 mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian and fish species across the country have declined in number by a shocking average of 83 per cent. Governments must act immediately to save them from extinction.

Save our bats, belugas and bobolinks: Editorial

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Resurrecting a long-lost Galapagos giant tortoise.

The last pure Floreana tortoise died out some time not long after Darwin visited in 1835, another tale of runaway human consumption dooming a species to extinction.

IF YOU GO to Floreana Island, in the Galapagos, you can still see descendants of the giant tortoises that Darwin documented in the 19th century. From the dock, just weave between indolent sea lions and impassive ruby-red marine iguanas and ask around for the truck to the highlands. It’ll be driven by one one of the locals and you can sit on a wooden bench in the back. Hop off at the Asilo de la Paz and wander around until you come across the largest land reptile you have ever seen, eating some iceberg lettuce on a concrete slab. If you’re lucky, he or she might cast an unimpressed look in your direction.

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Extraction, exploitation and the morality of switching from gasoline to cobalt for cars.

Is it as ethical as we think to switch from fossil fuel extraction to cobalt extraction?


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