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Bat populations decline in England due to wet summer

Bat populations decline in England due to wet summer

Conservationists report a worrying decline in UK bat populations, attributing the drop to an unusually wet summer that has reduced the insects they feed on.

Donna Ferguson reports for The Guardian.

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bat hanging upside down
Credit: rigel/Unsplash

Bats' crucial role in our food supply under threat

A new report highlights how bats, essential for the production of many popular foods and drinks, face increasing dangers.

Whitney Bauck reports for the Guardian.

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flying bats

Climate change is coming for bats. It’s only getting worse

Not only do bats pollinate our crops, prey on pests like mosquitos, and spread seeds that help damaged ecosystems recover, but they also possess a superpower that’s unique among mammals: flight.

climate impacts bat biodiversity

Study: Climate change will wipe out 81 of 154 bat species

More than half of North America’s bat species are likely to diminish significantly as climate change, disease and habitat loss take their toll, scientists warned Monday.

Melbourne’s bats cooled by mist system
Photo by René Riegal on Unsplash

As temperatures rise, Melbourne’s bats get their own sprinkler system

On the hottest days, a refreshing mist will cool down flying foxes, which have suffered mass death in Australian heat waves.
renewable energy birds bats climate

Wanted: Dead birds and bats, felled by renewables

Collecting, studying, and storing the carcasses from wind and solar facilities, scientists say, can unlock new insights.
Deforestation brings bat-borne virus home to roost

Deforestation brings bat-borne virus home to roost

Habitat loss and food shortages have pushed bats into closer proximity to horses and humans, fueling Hendra virus spillover, a new study suggests.