
Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
yosemite climate impacts
Photo by Aniket Deole on Unsplash

What Yosemite looks like in 2100 with climate change

How is climate change affecting some of the park’s premier attractions — for instance, the firefall event? And how will climate change impact the environments within the park, the creatures who live there and the visitor experience? Will it eventually strip Yosemite of its awe-inspiring beauty?

bart climate impacts

Is BART prepared for the catastrophic weather events climate change will bring?

In the San Francisco Bay Area, experts predict climate change will be felt far and wide with hotter temperatures, fiercer wildfires and more intense droughts than in previous years.

Bay Area transit leaders push for a single network

Bay Area transit leaders push for a single network

With budget gaps fraying a large and fragmented public transportation system, transit voices in San Francisco and Oakland push for a single regional operator. 
When America fell in love with light rail

When America fell in love with light rail

In a time of austere federal funding, cheaper-than-a-subway urban mass transit seemed to make sense.
Evacuation warning issued for Santa Rosa; Walnut Creek narrowly avoids ‘catastrophe’

Evacuation warning issued for Santa Rosa; Walnut Creek narrowly avoids ‘catastrophe’

Latest developments on the Kincade Fire in Sonoma County and the latest wave of PG&E shut-offs in Northern California.
Warren Logan wants the Bay Area to plan with him

Warren Logan wants the Bay Area to plan with him

Warren Logan, a Bay Area transportation planner, has new ideas about how to truly engage diverse communities in city planning. Hint: It starts with listening.