Impactss p e x/Flickr/ How bad will the ticks be this summer? Thanks to migrating birds and deer vasectomies, new tick species are settling in New York City, as some experts prepare for the worst.
ImpactsAtlas of Medical Foreign Bo/Flickr Babesiosis, a tick-borne disease, is on the rise in the northeast, C.D.C. reports Babesiosis, which can cause flulike symptoms, could be spreading because of rising temperatures and the growing deer population.
Impactss p e x/Flickr Ticks are spreading in the US—and taking new diseases with them The vast majority of tick-borne disease goes unrecorded, meaning life-threatening pathogens are traveling under the radar to new locations.
Impacts Invasion of the ticks Inside the quest to track one of humanity's tiniest deadly predators.
Impacts The terrifying unknowns of an exotic invasive tick The Asian longhorned tick showed up in the US last year and has flourished in unexpected places. And it's biting humans.
Impacts Tri-Lakes Takes: Tick research and new health threats Ticks are common in the North Country in recent years and they're bringing diseases with them. Peter...