australia climate change

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Australia could swing from three years of La Niña to hot and dry El Niño in 2023

Australia could swing from three years of above average rainfall to one of the hottest, driest El Niño periods on record, as models show an increasing likelihood the climate driver may form in the Pacific in 2023.

Searching for Australia’s climate tipping point

Searching for Australia’s climate tipping point

The world, and most Australians, are increasingly disappointed by Australia’s lackluster approach to addressing climate change.
Lisa Pryor: Has Australia reached a climate tipping point?

Lisa Pryor: Has Australia reached a climate tipping point?

After a summer of devastating fires, we need to ask ourselves hard questions about how we live.
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The end of Australia as we know it

The end of Australia as we know it

What many of us have witnessed this fire season feels alive and monstrous. With climate change forcing a relaxed country to stumble toward new ways of work, leisure and life, will politics follow?
As Australia burns, its leaders trade insults

As Australia burns, its leaders trade insults

The country has long been a model for common-sense public policy. But this week’s fires have revealed once again that its pragmatism stops at climate change.
Why is Australia trying to shut down climate activism?

Why is Australia trying to shut down climate activism?

An increasingly outraged public is demanding action in a nation intimately linked to coal mining. The government has responded by threatening a new law to punish protesters.
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Can mayors save the world from climate change?

Can mayors save the world from climate change?

Australia’s northern coast is a case study on the impacts of a warming planet. Small-town leaders there are struggling with constituents who doubt reality.