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Trump EPA
digital genetic code biopiracy
Harris could prioritize stricter climate policies if elected
A 1960s effort to ban gas-powered cars offers lessons for today
Wildfire readiness at Giant Mine needs significant improvement

Wildfire readiness at Giant Mine needs significant improvement

The Giant Mine Oversight Board insists that the federal remediation project must enhance wildfire and evacuation preparedness at the Yellowknife site.

Emily Blake reports for Cabin Radio.

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coal power plant
Photo by Robert Linder on Unsplash

Alabama in billion-dollar showdown with EPA

Can Alabama leave its 100 million tons of coal ash in unlined ponds along rivers, or will the state be forced to dig them out?
Lahaina schools & toxic ash

Students return to Lahaina schools as EPA seals down toxic ash

State health and education officials say it's safe for kids to come back but some parents and teachers have doubts.
Lahaina schools & toxic ash

Students return to Lahaina schools as EPA seals down toxic ash

State health and education officials say it's safe for kids to come back but some parents and teachers have doubts.
arsenic water well colorado drought

As water levels drop, the risk of arsenic rises

In Colorado's famed San Luis Valley, residents who rely on well water are grappling not only with a shortage amid drought, but questionable quality of the water coming out of the ground.

mercury pollution power plants

E.P.A. to tighten limits on mercury and other pollutants from power plants

A new rule would reduce mercury, arsenic, nickel and lead emissions, which the Biden administration said would protect public health.