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A group of people march with science advocating for science.
Oil pump jacks and flares with vegetation in foreground.
Images of a chicken and a pig fade into images of piles of pharmaceutical capsules.
An African man and woman pour water on a trough of charcoal and move it around with a stick.
A nuclear-powered shower? Russia tests a climate innovation

A nuclear-powered shower? Russia tests a climate innovation

A remote Siberian town now has its own miniature nuclear plant as a Russian state company tests a new model for residential heating. Some see it as a tool to minimize climate change.
G20 summit closes with little progress and big gaps between Trump and allies

G20 summit closes with little progress and big gaps between Trump and allies

World leaders committed to some efforts to fight the coronavirus pandemic, but the meeting illustrated the difficulty of carrying out an agenda when the United States is indifferent or hostile to many goals.
pollution industrial chemicals toxics
Photo by Thijs Stoop on Unsplash

Humans are an endangered species: Will they act to save themselves?

Not only are industrial pollutants poisoning the air, the water, and the land as never before, but climate change is making the planet uninhabitable.