arctic melting

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trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
With Arctic permafrost thawing, Pentagon frets over deadly pathogens

With Arctic permafrost thawing, Pentagon frets over deadly pathogens

In one troubling case, dozens of people were sickened − and thousands of reindeer were killed − when anthrax spores emerged from the thawing permafrost in an Arctic region of Siberia.

How climate change is threatening a key tool for Alaska Natives

How climate change is threatening a key tool for Alaska Natives

Threatened by stronger storms and a melting permafrost, Indigenous Alaskans are grappling with how to keep the power running to their freezers, which store their traditional subsistence foods.
Editorial: Climate change is melting Greenland and Antarctica's ice. Time to act

Editorial: Climate change is melting Greenland and Antarctica's ice. Time to act

Over the course of this century, countless millions of people will have to reckon with rising seas. There are few easy answers, but humanity must prepare now.
bioluminescent Arctic fish face climate threat

These bioluminescent Arctic fish contain loads of ‘antifreeze’ — more than any other polar species

Scientists at CUNY and the American Museum of Natural History warn that as they learn more about the incredible evolutionary traits of these iceberg-dwelling fish, time is not on their side.
A summer of Arctic melting hits Norway's Svalbard Archipelago

A summer of Arctic melting hits Norway's Svalbard Archipelago

Elevated temperatures in the Arctic, which caused massive melting of the Greenland ice sheet during a three-day period in July, also have touched off rapid glacial melting in Norway’s Svalbard Archipelago.

changing Arctic could bring 'potential conflict
US Coast Guard/Travis Magee

A changing Arctic could bring 'potential conflict,' Biden says

As climate change causes unprecedented environmental upheaval in the Arctic, it also opens the region to potential conflict, President Joe Biden said on Wednesday.

Ocean warming & transforming soundscapes

​​Oceans aren’t just warming—their soundscapes are transforming

Humans are polluting the seas with sound, while warming waters change how noise propagates. What does that mean for whales and other animals?