
Top Tweets
Gloved hands holding a globe of the earth with a small plant growing from the top.
Space shuttle view of the the Earth through a portal.
Oil drilling pump jacks silhouetted against the sunset.
E.P.A. closes environmental justice offices.

Puerto Ricans pump drinking water from hazardous-waste: report.

Some Puerto Rico residents are turning to a hazardous waste site for drinking water as the island continues to reel from Hurricane Maria.

Puerto Ricans pump drinking water from hazardous-waste: report

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For Algeria's struggling herders, "drought stops everything."

Less rain and higher temperatures means herders in Algeria are increasingly struggling to make ends meet.

By Yasmin Bendaas

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These food and beverage companies are leading on conservation.

There is a growing awareness about water risk for businesses in the food and beverage industry.

There is a growing awareness about water risk for businesses in the food and beverage industry. A new report from Ceres shows which companies are leading and lagging, writes Ceres’ Kirsten James.

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Why Southern Nevada is fighting to build a 250-mile water pipeline.

Decades after it was first proposed, Southern Nevada Water Authority is still pushing for a pipeline to send rural groundwater to the Las Vegas area. But others are questioning whether the project is really needed.

Why Southern Nevada Is Fighting to Build a 250-Mile Water Pipeline

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Trump’s global resorts put profit first, environment last, critics say.

Mongabay looked into Trump’s claims that he is an environmentalist, winning “many, many environmental awards.” We were able to locate just two — one a local New York award, and another granted by a golf business association.

Donald Trump’s negative environmental record in Scotland and elsewhere has conservationists concerned in Bali, where Trump firms are developing a major resort and golf facility known as Trump International Hotel & Tower Bali.

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The EPA acts more like a friend and less like a regulator of utilities.

The EPA needs to listen to public concerns. It may learn something.

The premise underlying nearly a half century of U.S. environmental law is that no one has a right to poison the air and water that all Americans consume. Under Scott Pruitt’s direction, the Environmental Protection Agency seems just fine with increasing Americans’ exposure to industrial toxins as long as it fulfills President Donald Trump’s promise to revive the nation’s moribund coal industry.

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The Cadiz desert water project is facing a new hurdle.

In a Sept. 20 letter to Cadiz, the State Lands Commission informed the company that its proposed water pipeline crosses a strip of state-owned land and therefore requires a state lease.

state commission is throwing a new hurdle in front of Cadiz Inc.’s plans to turn a remote desert valley into a lucrative water source for Southern California.

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