Photo by Ahmet Yalçınkaya on Unsplash
Amanda Shendruk: Climate change movies shouldn't be about only disaster and apocalypse
Hollywood should play a positive role in the fight against global warming by offering a wealth of stories that help humanity make sense of and address the present and future of life on a dangerously warming planet.
Climate fiction will not save us
As the world burns, readers increasingly look to climate fiction for hope, predictions, and actionable solutions. But can the genre really be a manual for useful change?
Climate crisis fuels new wave of TV ‘eco thrillers’
The Swarm joins The Last of Us as the latest drama series to depict the biological destruction of civilisation.
Bill Schubart: Is this a January thaw or an apocalyptic warning?
It's past time to reconsider our relationship with our earthly home. We have a model to emulate — the historical relationship that Indigenous peoples had with their lands.
Farhana Haque Rahman: 2022, a year staring at the apocalypse
A year that started with Russia's invasion of Ukraine and is ending with famine in Africa, while still spreading death and misery through an enduring pandemic and a deteriorating climate crisis — 2022 has been an apocalyptic warning of the frailty of our planet and the woeful shortcomings of humankind.
God and horses at the pre-apocalypse
The reality of climate change is upon us, but there’s reason for hope.
Photo by Daniel Lincoln on Unsplash
Apocalypse when? Global warming’s endless scroll
From “Don’t Look Up” to Greta Thunberg videos to doomsaying memes, we are awash in warnings that we are almost out of time. But the climate crisis is outpacing our emotional capacity to describe it.