antarctic regions

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Elizabeth Rush: What Antarctica’s disintegration asks of us

Elizabeth Rush: What Antarctica’s disintegration asks of us

What if we saw Antarctica as a harbinger of transformation rather than doom?
Failure to slow warming will set off climate 'tipping points,'' scientists say

Failure to slow warming will set off climate 'tipping points,'' scientists say

As global warming passes certain limits, dire changes will probably become irreversible, the researchers said, including the loss of polar ice sheets and the death of coral reefs.
Fin whales are making a comeback in Antarctic waters, a study finds

Fin whales are making a comeback in Antarctic waters, a study finds

Once hunted to the brink of extinction, fin whales in the Southern Ocean have rebounded and returned to their historic feeding grounds, according to a new survey.
A portrait of South Georgia: Abundance, exploitation, recovery

A portrait of South Georgia: Abundance, exploitation, recovery

A series of ecological initiatives, including the eradication of several invasive species, has dramatically revived the life and landscape of this remote sub-Antarctic island.
antarctic warming climate

Why did two Antarctic ice shelves fail? Scientists say they now know

The collapse of the two ice shelves was most likely triggered by vast plumes of warm air from the Pacific, researchers have found.
Climate change is hurting penguins unevenly in Antarctica

Climate change is hurting penguins unevenly in Antarctica

The western side of the Antarctic Peninsula has seen sharp declines in Adélie penguin populations in recent decades. Things look better on the eastern side. Take a tour.
A growing force in the climate movement: Moms

A growing force in the climate movement: Moms

Activists are deploying the moral authority of mothers to push for climate action. Their protests must steer clear of nap time.