PoliticsUnited Soybean Board/ Flickr Factory farms use a quarter-billion pounds of pesticide to feed animals: report That amount of pesticide usage is likely to harm plant and animal ecosystems, advocates warn.
Causescommons.wikimedia.org High-stakes insect farming: how to breed a better bug Faster-growing, fatter critters could provide the protein needed to raise more climate-friendly livestock and pets.
Top Story www.nationalgeographic.com Here’s how a ‘circular economy’ could save the world The vision of a “circular economy”—where we use resources sparingly and recycle endlessly—is inspiring businesses and environmentalists alike.
Solutions Air Pollution: How to fight air pollution and make animal feed cheaper? Ask Fermentech Labs Farmers in India who are compelled to burn their crop residue often face the brunt of an ill-managed system. IIT-Roorkee supported Fermentech Labs has a simple solution to their woes which involves reusing crop stubble to produce commercial enzymes.
Resilience www.bayjournal.com Bay scientists studying environmental, economic uses for hemp Hemp backers are convinced that the plant is a sustainable alternative to plastics, cotton and fossil fuels.