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SCOTUS power plant emissions
people protesting during daytime
nuclear cooling towers
oil well
Most countries aren't hitting Paris climate goals, and everyone will pay the price

Most countries aren't hitting Paris climate goals, and everyone will pay the price

"Untold human suffering" is in our future as nations miss their Paris Agreement targets by a long shot.
Climate change will make plants—and us—thirstier

Climate change will make plants—and us—thirstier

Rising CO2 levels and a warmer earth means plants will grow bigger and have longer to suck the land dry. That’s bad news for human water supplies.
Climate change is killing thousands of years of indigenous wisdom

Climate change is killing thousands of years of indigenous wisdom

Farmers around the world rely on millennia-old wisdom to guide their planting. Scrambled weather and seasons are forcing them into uncharted territory.
Climate change will shift the oceans’ colors, study predicts

Climate change will shift the oceans’ colors, study predicts

In the next century, satellites will watch as the ocean's blues and greens intensify.
Permafrost may thaw far faster than expected and accelerate climate change

Permafrost may thaw far faster than expected and accelerate climate change

Data from two Arctic sites suggest some surface layers are no longer freezing. If that continues, greenhouse gases from permafrost could accelerate climate change.
Marine protected areas - what you need to know

Marine protected areas - what you need to know

The world won't meet international ocean conservation targets by 2020, so a team of scientists is looking at what's next for saving our seas.
Human emissions made ocean heat wave 53 times more likely

Human emissions made ocean heat wave 53 times more likely

Three 2016 marine heat waves that killed whales, birds, corals, and shellfish from Australia to Alaska were many times more likely thanks to climate change.