
Top Tweets
trump plans to dismantle climate funding
Australia weighs delay on 2035 climate goals amid US election uncertainty
Biden's climate law may boost oil production through enhanced recovery
European farming lobbies agree to shift toward less meat consumption
Brazilian soy ambitions threaten Indigenous land

'We just want to be left in peace': In Brazil's Amazon, soy ambitions loom over Indigenous land

Deforestation is surging around Indigenous reserves in Brazil’s agricultural heartland, threatening one of the last stretches of preserved rainforest in the region.

Indigenous seed collectors Brazil

Indigenous seed collectors grow a network of restoration across Brazil

The seed collector networks are the base of the ecological restoration chain and will play an essential role in enabling Brazil to reach its goal of restoring 12.5 million hectares (30.9 million acres) of native vegetation by 2030 — vital in the fight to avoid climate breakdown.

Amazon mining railway indigenous impacts

Divided by mining: Vale’s new rail track fractures an Amazon Indigenous group

The mining giant has secured permission to build a second railroad track that cuts through Amazon's Mãe Maria Indigenous Territory, prompting complaints from Indigenous leaders who say Vale applied maneuvers they consider unethical and that the extension will cause greater environmental damage.
Journalists discuss the challenges & dangers of Amazonia
Fora do Eixo/Flickr/Commercial use & mods allowed

Rainforest reporting: Journalists discuss the challenges & dangers of Amazonia

We speak with journalists who have known and reported on Amazonia for years, and who also know the violence in the region like the back of their hands.

isolated Indigenous people rights & protections

Peru congress debates stripping isolated Indigenous people of land and protections

A new bill under debate in Peru’s congress seeks to reevaluate the existence of every Indigenous reserve for isolated peoples to determine whether to keep them or scrap them completely.

Brazil’s biomes & sustainable development

Lula wants to mirror Amazon’s lessons in all biomes, but challenges await

A new decree intends to protect all of Brazil’s biomes and promote sustainable development in arguably one of the country’s most ambitious environmental policies to date.