amazon dams

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“The forest is sick and losing its carbon-sequestration capacity”

“The forest is sick and losing its carbon-sequestration capacity”

A researcher at the INPE Center of Land System Science, Antonio Donato Nobre, describes the state of degradation threatening the future of the Amazon rainforest in an exclusive interview with Mongabay.
The price of ‘progress’ in the Amazon

The price of ‘progress’ in the Amazon

Development in the Amazon has brought new homes, new highways and a huge, new dam. It's also brought a new wave of deforestation that could permanently cripple the rain forest.
Attack of the turtles: ruralists assault environmental laws, Amazon

Attack of the turtles: ruralists assault environmental laws, Amazon

Brazil’s bancada ruralista has attached a wave of riders to bills in Congress that could overthrow the nation’s environmental and indigenous protections. There is a high chance of passage.
Philip Fearnside: Damming the Amazon unfettered after Brazilian purge

Philip Fearnside: Damming the Amazon unfettered after Brazilian purge

In January 2018, two officials announced an end to plans for Brazilian mega-dams; both have since been replaced, and to date, no planned dams have been cancelled.
Small hydropower a big global issue overlooked by science and policy

Small hydropower a big global issue overlooked by science and policy

Nearly 100,000 small hydropower dams exist or are planned worldwide, and science has done little to study or inform policymakers about cumulative environmental impacts.