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How climate change is fueling alcohol-related hospitalizations

Many studies have shown that climate change threatens alcohol production around the world, from vineyards in France to whiskey distilleries in Scotland. Now there’s alarming evidence that climate change affects hospitalizations for alcohol consumption, too.

climate impacts food agriculture
Photo by Yutacar on Unsplash

Which drugs will survive climate change? We investigated

You might have to experience the end of the world sober, after all. That’s because climate change will unleash havoc on the world of drugs.

Junk food can have a big impact on your carbon footprint

Junk food can have a big impact on your carbon footprint

Cutting out meat is the most cited way to make your diet more carbon friendly. You could also try nixing candy, alcohol, and ready-made food.
food climate beer impacts

Climate change could make beer taste differently

For years, an increasing number of scientists have warned about the side effects of climate change like rising oceans and unpredictable changes in weather patterns. But this may be the most serious repercussion of climate change identified to date: Beer may taste different.

The Republican climate agenda

The Republican climate agenda

Scientists say solving climate change means significantly reducing the use of fossil fuels. That's not how many Republicans in Congress see things, though.

Dining out, dessert and booze may be worse for climate change than meat

Dining out, dessert and booze may be worse for climate change than meat

A Japanese study, which has implications for all big economies, suggests that the best way to tax carbon might focus on sweets and alcohol over meat.
How making booze from peas can help fight climate change

How making booze from peas can help fight climate change

Scientists say switching from wheat to peas as the base for our alcohol could have major environmental benefits.