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A large white sign reading "unite behind the science" hangs from a balcony.
Black smoke rises and spreads from a chemical disaster site in a city.
Smoke coming out from industrial towers at dusk.
Wind turbines viewed from above with squres of green and fallow fields below.
Local officials end cloud brightening experiment in Alameda, California

Local officials end cloud brightening experiment in Alameda, California

Alameda's city council has voted to halt a pioneering cloud-brightening experiment aimed at combating climate change.

Corbin Hiar reported for E&E News earlier this week on why the vote has implications beyond one single community.

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Toxic red tide kills 'uncountable' numbers of fish in the Bay Area

Toxic red tide kills 'uncountable' numbers of fish in the Bay Area

A harmful algal bloom in the San Francisco Bay is killing fish, sharks and stingrays. Some are washing ashore.
Cannabis companies seek an eco-friendly image

Cannabis companies take pains to polish their eco-friendly image

Even in the best circumstances, growing and selling weed can be incredibly damaging to the environment.

Hidden flood risk for San Francisco Bay Area communities lurks underground

Hidden flood risk for San Francisco Bay Area communities lurks underground

Flooding linked to rising groundwater levels is a neglected consequence of rising seas. Bigger walls won't keep it out.

Fires, refugees, traffic, gentrification ... so why isn't anyone talking about population?

Fires, refugees, traffic, gentrification ... so why isn't anyone talking about population?

Even though population trends lie at the very heart of our national politics, the topic is oddly absent from our contemporary conversations.
With Global Climate Action Summit, Paris comes to San Francisco

With Global Climate Action Summit, Paris comes to San Francisco

But perhaps more important are the events organizing around it.
The East Bay's future climate will be both dry and wet

The East Bay's future climate will be both dry and wet

Think Los Angeles — only with parts of it underwater.