Impacts Global warming is melting our sense of time Climate change isn’t just a brutal form of time travel to both the future and pre-human past, it is discombobulating to our very sense of linear time.
Impacts Climate change worst-case scenario now looks unrealistic Global energy use patterns suggest some baseline assumptions about warming are too high. What remains is still a stiff challenge to humanity.
Solutions Book excerpt: The Uninhabitable Earth by David Wallace-Wells Believing in a comfortable future for our planet probably means some giant carbon-sucking machines.
Politics A reflection on children in the face of climate change Climate change isn’t a reason not to have kids. Kids are a reason to fight it.
Politics Why Al Gore still thinks we can stop climate change The environmentalist and former vice-president talks about wildfires, Donald Trump, and why he still has hope that we can preserve a livable planet.
Impacts The California fires and the threat of climate change The California wildfires have unleashed unconscionable suffering. Climate change could make them ten times worse.
Causes Bolsonaro’s Amazon deforestation accelerates climate change Brazil's new president Jair Bolsonaro isn't just a threat to Brazilian democracy.