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wind turbines lined up in a green field
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Montana youth climate lawsuit
World court weighs climate responsibility of wealthy nations
Op-Ed: The 1.5C climate target is dead – to prevent total catastrophe, Cop27 must admit it

Op-Ed: The 1.5C climate target is dead – to prevent total catastrophe, Cop27 must admit it

Acknowledging that climate breakdown is unavoidable is key to making fossil-fuel companies and governments take action, says Bill McGuire, professor emeritus of geophysical and climate hazards at UCL
Climate tipping points may be triggered even if warming peaks at 1.5C

Climate tipping points may be triggered even if warming peaks at 1.5C

Ice-sheet collapse, abrupt permafrost thaw and the loss of coral reefs are possible even if the world meets Paris Agreement targets, scientists warn. 
Climate change targets achievable by keeping global emissions to COVID levels, scientists say

Climate change targets achievable by keeping global emissions to COVID levels, scientists say

Between 2019 and 2020, global CO2 emissions experienced the greatest year-on-year drop in recorded history. Researchers say we have to cut emissions by that much every year to keep climate change within safe boundaries.