Indigenous fire practices show potential for wildfire resilience in California

A Miwok fire practitioner sees signs of renewal in wildfire-scorched California landscapes, advocating for wider use of Indigenous cultural burns to manage land and reduce wildfire risks.

Sarah Hopkins reports for Inside Climate News.

In short:

  • Don Hankins, a Miwok cultural fire expert, observes ecological resilience in areas managed with cultural burns during the Park Fire in Northern California.
  • Indigenous fire practices, which have been restricted by historical policies, show promise in reducing wildfire intensity by promoting native species and reducing flammable grasses.
  • Despite success on smaller scales, significant policy barriers prevent widespread adoption of cultural burns.

Key quote:

“Indigenous communities often recognize colonization as the beginning of the climate crisis.”

— Don Hankins, cultural fire practitioner

Why this matters:

Indigenous fire practices could play a crucial role in mitigating wildfire risks as climate change intensifies. Addressing policy barriers may allow these methods to be implemented more widely, enhancing ecological resilience.

Related: LISTEN: Deniss Martinez on Indigenous science and cultural fire practices

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