Green party faces setbacks in EU elections
Green parties in the European Union have lost significant ground in the latest elections, prompting concerns about the future of the Green Deal and climate policies.
In short:
- Green parties dropped from fourth to sixth place in the European Parliament, with their vote share nearly halved in Germany.
- The Greens saw smaller victories in Denmark and Sweden but managed to secure a coalition victory in the Netherlands.
- The decline in Green votes is attributed to shifting voter concerns towards war and economic issues.
Key quote:
“This election will not make the climate and nature crisis any less existential. Flooding, droughts and heatwaves will only get worse – and all newly elected politicians will have to act to maintain our planet’s ability to sustain life and give our children a future.”
— Ariadna Rodrigo, campaigner at Greenpeace EU
Why this matters:
These results suggest a potential weakening of climate ambitions in the EU, which could hinder progress on environmental policies affecting global health and sustainability. Read more: The chemical industry may have killed a landmark EU chemical policy. Here’s what that means for the US.