fossil fuel influence

Oil companies leverage academic partnerships to influence climate change action

Oil companies are strategically partnering with universities to influence climate change research and policy, recently revealed documents show.

Emma Dumain and Corbin Hiar report for E&E News.

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Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way

Amid LNG’s Gulf Coast expansion, community hopes to stand in its way

This 2-part series was co-produced by Environmental Health News and the journalism non-profit Economic Hardship Reporting Project. See part 1 here.Este ensayo también está disponible en español
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Senator Whitehouse & climate change

Senator Whitehouse puts climate change on budget committee’s agenda

For more than a decade, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse gave daily warnings about the mounting threat of climate change. Now he has a powerful new perch.
Games foster climate education

Games weave climate education into fun

Games are increasingly being used as educational tools to engage and teach players about climate change and sustainability.

Kiley Price reports for Inside Climate News.

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environmental advancements climate good news

Promising environmental advancements signal hope amid climate concerns in 2024​

Amid widespread climate anxiety, 2024 has ushered in numerous environmental successes, from renewable energy breakthroughs to significant legislative reforms.

As reported by Angela Symons in Euronews.Green.

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Beaver County, Pennsylvania, residents face pollution and lawsuits from Shell's ethane cracker plant

Beaver County, Pennsylvania, residents face pollution and lawsuits from Shell's ethane cracker plant

Despite promises of economic growth, Shell's ethane cracker in Beaver County, Pennsylvania has drawn legal challenges and health concerns over its emissions and pollution.

Kiley Bense reports for Inside Climate News.

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Texas rancher battles orphaned oil wells

Texas rancher battles orphaned oil wells

Texas rancher Schuyler Wight is taking a stand against the pollution caused by orphaned oil and gas wells that is endangering both his ranch and the state's environment.

Elliott Woods reports for Capital & Main.

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Mexico's energy policy challenges climate commitments

Mexico's energy policy challenges climate commitments

Mexico’s continued reliance on state-run energy may hinder its climate goals, despite a proud history of oil nationalization.

Fabiola Sánchez reports for The Associated Press.

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Remote work and its climate implications explored

Remote work and its climate implications explored

Mandates to return to office settings clash with corporate environmental goals, as remote work proves beneficial for reducing carbon emissions.

Kate Yoder reports for Grist.

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Legal battles stem global fossil fuel expansions

Legal battles stem global fossil fuel expansions

Global Indigenous and grassroots movements are successfully using legal routes to halt new fossil fuel projects, safeguarding their lands from exploitation.

Delger Erdenesanaa reports for The New York Times.

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Seaweed explored as a potential source for green-energy minerals

Seaweed explored as a potential source for green-energy minerals

Exploring the seas for sustainability, U.S. scientists are testing seaweed as a possible miner of key minerals needed for green energy.

Moira Donovan reports for Hakai Magazine.

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Maya immigrants embrace ancient farming techniques in Nebraska

Maya immigrants embrace ancient farming techniques in Nebraska

In Nebraska's fields, Maya farmers from Latin America are revitalizing the landscape with traditional milpa farming practices, designed to enrich biodiversity and mitigate climate change impacts.

Anja Nilsson reports for Feet in 2 Worlds.

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Kentucky AG receives $3 million to combat federal environmental regulations

Kentucky AG receives $3 million to combat federal environmental regulations

Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman has secured additional funding to legally challenge new environmental regulations imposed by the Biden administration, which target fossil fuel emissions and pollution.

Liam Niemeyer reports for the Kentucky Lantern.

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