Swiss parliament dismisses climate ruling favoring older women

Swiss lawmakers have rejected a European court's ruling that weak climate policies violate the human rights of older women.

Ajit Niranjan reports for The Guardian.

In short:

  • The European court ruled Switzerland's weak climate policies endanger older women, violating their human rights.
  • The Swiss lower house voted 111-72 to dismiss the ruling, claiming judicial overreach and sufficient national efforts.
  • Activists, including the KlimaSeniorinnen group, argue this sets a dangerous precedent and betrays vulnerable populations.

Key quote:

"The declaration is a betrayal of us older women – and of all those who are suffering from the real consequences of global warming today and in the future."

— Rosmarie Wydler-Wälti, co-president of KlimaSeniorinnen

Why this matters:

Critics of the Swiss decision argue that dismissing the ruling neglects the urgent need for robust climate policies to protect all citizens, especially the most vulnerable. They point to rising temperatures and increasing instances of heatwaves, which have significant health impacts on older populations, particularly women. Advocates stress that addressing climate change is not just an environmental imperative but also a moral and human rights issue.

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