Most citizens in fossil fuel nations favor rapid shift to clean energy

A UN poll reveals that citizens in major fossil fuel-producing countries support a quick transition to clean energy to combat climate change.

Damian Carrington reports for The Guardian.

In short:

  • The UN’s largest climate opinion poll shows a majority in 77 countries want swift clean energy transitions.
  • 86% of global respondents favor cooperation on climate change, transcending geopolitical differences.
  • Significant support for fast transition seen in China, India, the US, and Saudi Arabia among others.

Key quote:

“There can be no doubt that citizens across the world are saying to their leaders, you have to act and, above all, have to act faster.”

— Achim Steiner, UNDP head

Why this matters:

Public demand for rapid energy transitions emphasizes global awareness and urgency about climate change. Broad support for international cooperation suggests potential for unified climate action, despite rising nationalism and conflicts.

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