Human rights concerns affect climate negotiations

Exclusion and repression of activists at Bonn climate talks highlight justice issues, undermining climate progress and human rights.

Bob Berwyn reports for Inside Climate News.

In short:

  • Developing countries face visa issues and exclusion at the Bonn climate talks, hindering their participation.
  • Civil society groups face repression, making it difficult for them to influence climate policies effectively.
  • Host countries for upcoming COP summits have poor human rights records, raising concerns about the safety of activists.

Key quote:

"We cannot just be begging to be in the space, and yet at the same time, we’re the ones having to bear the brunt of the climate crisis."

— Proscovier Nnanyonjo Vikman, co-director of Climate Change Action East Africa

Why this matters:

Reports of repression, including limited access and restricted participation, have raised red flags among human rights advocates who argue that such measures stifle the voices of those most affected by environmental degradation. Activists, often on the front lines of environmental justice, play an important role in highlighting the disproportionate impacts of climate change on vulnerable communities. Their absence at these talks not only diminishes diverse perspectives but also undermines the essence of democratic dialogue essential for comprehensive and just climate solutions.

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