eu nature restoration law
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Austria’s last-minute support enables EU Nature Restoration Law

After months of deadlock, the EU's Nature Restoration Law passed, driven by a crucial change of heart from Austria.

Marta Pacheco reports for Euronews.

In short:

  • Environment ministers in Luxembourg voted to pass the Nature Restoration Law, aiming to restore 20% of land and sea by 2030.
  • Austria’s last-minute decision to support the law was pivotal in breaking the deadlock among EU countries.
  • The law targets long-term ecosystem restoration but faced criticism for potential economic and administrative burdens on the agricultural sector.

Key quote:

“This law is pivotal to combat climate change. We need to ensure legal certainty for people using soil and land.”

— Leonor Gewessler, Austrian climate minister

Why this matters:

Restoring ecosystems is an important step forward towards mitigating climate change and preserving biodiversity. The EU's decision emphasizes the importance of legal frameworks in driving environmental action on a large scale. Read more: Appalachia is transitioning from coal. Here’s what it could learn from Germany.

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Credit: Wayne S. Grazio/Flickr

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